Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Geolinks (Pvt.) Ltd., conducted research into the possibility of using sun-dried toxic sludge as an alternative fuel. We sponsored two students from the Federal Urdu University (FUUAST) in Karachi to conduct research into sludge from wastewater treatment. The findings were instructive, and put into action by our company.

The sun-dried sludge was used in the same way coal is used, with remarkable results. Furthermore, in some cases, the remaining ash was mixed with cement, and it did not alter the cement quality.

This research placed us in a unique position, as we were able to utilize the ash in a environmentally friendly manner which ensures environmental security and enables the use of a cost effective energy source. Scientific research has enabled us to provide the most efficient waste management and incineration services in Karachi, and Sindh province.  

Geolinks has also funded research on arsenic and lead levels in the Indus river carried out by academics from the Urdu University, in collaboration with US-based Empower the Future an NGO working towards environmental awareness and sustainable economic development.

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