
Geolinks (Pvt) Ltd provides a range of waste management services for its clients. Our aim is to provide all our clients with cost effective and environmentally friendly waste management solutions.

Waste management is what we’re about, it’s at the heart of what we do, and we believe Pakistan deserves an environmentally conscious and ethical waste management company. We currently have the ability to provide a range of sophisticated, technical and customized waste management strategies to aid local industry.

Ethical and professional waste management is necessary for any modern society. Sadly, in Pakistan primitive and illegal waste management techniques are still widely used. Most waste in the modern age is not biodegradable, thus simply burying waste in pits and dumping into rivers and oceans is not a viable option, as both technique damage our environment to a great extent. Effective and environmentally friendly waste management is required in Pakistan now than ever before.

The handling of hazardous and non-hazardous waste requires the highest operational, logistical and safety standards. Top priority is given to these crucial factors at every stage of the transportation, treatment and disposal process.

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